Giving Back


Giving Back


The Mitchell Slater Foundation is offering post-secondary scholarships for any B.C. youth currently graduating from high school who have been touched by mental illness, either themselves or a loved one. The purpose of this scholarship is to help the student tear down some of the walls that make transition to post-secondary so incredibly challenging by awarding scholarships to qualified students. You may submit your story of life with mental illness either in writing, through photography, art, video, or any other creative way that you can think of. Sharing the story about your mental health journey is in line with our fundamental philosophy of speaking out. We believe that telling your story of how you’ve overcome your barriers can become someone else’s survival guide. We accept any form of application that will convey to us what your life’s journey has been up until this point and please include in your submissions what your intended future plans might be. Good luck to all applicants and congratulations on your upcoming graduation. Submissions can be handed in to your school Career Counselor, emailed or sent directly to us. Please forward any questions to the link below. This is not an academic based scholarship.

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